Twelve groups from Spain, Greece and Belgium sing about mental health in the collective album ‘IME’, which was released today

The album was released today on April 7th 2021 on Bandcamp and feature 16 songs produced by musicians from Spain, Belgium and Greece. Listen to it from here:
Twelve groups from Spain, Belgium and Greece participate in the collective album ‘IME’ (Introspection Music Experience), which reflects upon mental health and in which people with mental illness have collaborated as composers. The album was released today (April 7, 2021) on Bandcamp.
The album is the culmination of the European project of the same name, IME, led by INTRAS Foundation and funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. Over three years, these 12 European artists have collaborated closely in creative workshops with people with mental health problems to produce authentic stories, in the form of songs, about the challenges they face on a daily basis about overcoming their discomfort and social integration without stigmas or preconceptions. In summary: IME is an album that fights prejudice with creativity and from collaboration.
With the IME project, a space has been created for emerging musicians and people with mental health problems to meet and share experiences through art, with the double objective of producing unique creations, which could not arise without this specific collaboration, and to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in the cultural world.
Concierto en vivo grabado en el Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid con la participación de Nacho Prada, Rober y los Optimistas y Naïa.
Disfruta de 50 minutos de música y más de 15 canciones entre las que están las tres creadas conjuntamente en una colaboración única entre los propios músicos y las personas que viven con los síntomas de la enfermedad mental.
Live concert recorded at the Patio Herreriano Museum in Valladolid with the participation of Nacho Prada, Rober y los Optimistas and Naïa.
Enjoy 50 minutes of music and more than 15 songs among which are all three created jointly in a unique collaboration between the musicians themselves and people living with the symptoms of mental illness.
Chloë Nols, KRANKLAND and Korneel Muylle & Slow Lee will perform on the first online IME concert in Belgium.
And so we have arrived in 2021. After an intense and challenging 2020 with plans, a lot of online meetings, shifting and rethinking, Chloë Nols, KRANKLAND and Korneel Muylle & Slow Lee each managed to deliver 2 new songs, a video clip and a lyric video for Introspection Music Experience. There would then be at least 3 gigs in Belgium with them in the fall of 2020. Unfortunately, everything went on lockdown here and we were unable to organize them.
But not to worry : creativity was called upon and a series of online activities are set up. In Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent, KAOS found a great partner to organize all this.

From one of their museum rooms, an online concert with the 3 artists will be broadcasted here on 25/2/2021 at 20:00. Besides the IME songs, they will also perform some of their own songs, together with some interviews. All this in front of and between the magnificent works of the Museum Dr. Guislain.
In addition, KAOS organizes a KAOS Film and KAOS Talk evening at each residency within their residency program. In October we already organized a special IME edition of KAOS Film and Chloë, Thomas/KRANKLAND and Korneel/Slow Lee each chose a short film. During the evening organized in the KAOS studio they introduced it and there was room for a vivid discussion with the audience.

On 29/01/2021 the first online KAOS Talk took place from the Museum Dr. Guislain. For this KAOS Talk, Chloë Nols invited psychoanalyst and professor of clinical psychology Abe Geldhof who gave a very interesting presentation on psychological vulnerability, psychoanalysis and art. He started from the provocative statement “We are all outsiders”.
You can rewatch this TALK here.
On 12/02/2021, KRANKLAND invites Philippe Cortens for the second KAOS Talk to talk about musician/therapist Jean Hoyoux. You can follow it for free here. Finally, on 19/02/2021, Korneel Muylle invites Kim Note, Wim de Winne and Dirk Bryssinck for a discussion during the third KAOS Talk, which you can follow here.